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AARP's Approach to Brain Health

AARP Staying Sharp is a program that provides you with content, tools, and activities to stimulate and support the brain as you age.  

Limited-time offer! AARP® Staying Sharp® users enrolled in AARP Rewards can earn double points* on select content 11/1/23 - 11/30/23.

Get to know all that Staying Sharp has to offer. Try our challenges, incorporate new exercises into your routine, or check out our fun cooking videos. AARP Members have access to this and so much more.

Staying Sharp’s Six Pillars of Brain Health

Science tells us that a healthy lifestyle may help protect the brain. Practice these six pillars for better brain health and "BE MORE" with Staying Sharp.

Be Social

Engage Your Brain

Manage Stress

Ongoing Exercise

Restorative Sleep

Eat Right

AARP Members Get

  • Challenges to learn about practical skills you can use in your daily life.
  • Articles on challenging your mind and keeping your body in optimal health.
  • Activities you can easily apply in your daily life.
  • Recipes to help nourish you.
  • Videos and meditations to explore exercises, healthy eating and more.
  • My Favorites help you track activities and exercises that fit your lifestyle.

Plus, games and puzzles that are fun and entertaining.

Cognitive Assessment

Take the Cognitive Assessment and Lifestyle Check-Ins. Then try the Additional Tests to evaluate even more elements of cognition. Thirteen tests in all. This unique value is offered for a onetime fee of $14 or 9,000 AARP Rewards points.   

*Unused points expire 12 months after they are earned, in monthly batches on a rolling basis.

Start exploring Staying Sharp today.